Friday, September 30, 2011

DIY: Owl Lamp

This fun and unusual owl shaped lamp was created by London artist and designer Dominika Drop. How cute is this lamp? Better yet, it can be yours without the hefty price tag because you can make it at home!

It can be made in just a few minutes - print the template, cut and assemble, and there is no need of glue or other materials. Place the light at an angle inside the lamp so the owl's eyes glow with soft and diffused light for peaceful sleep. Mind you, it's not for the weak-hearted, this owl will stare at no matter where you are.

{images via}


  1. I loved it! So cute! :-)

  2. Where do you find the template to print?

  3. I went to Dominika Drop's website and found the template, but it does not allow you to download it!! Can you please tell me how I can download this template? I would like to make this. Thank you. :)

  4. You can printscreen it and paste to your image editor. Then save and print =)

  5. Hello. Here Dominika Drop. My project is for sale. U can't just copy or print my template from Internet. Sorry for this.
    I'm glad that you like my project.
    Best wishes.

  6. Where do you buy it?
