Monday, May 16, 2011

Nood: Owl Vases

hoot-vase1 hoot-vase2 hoot-vase3 hoot-vase4

How cute are these hoot vases!

These handblown owl shaped vases are made by Nood a Canadian company in three lovely colors - green, yellow and purple to compliment any decor. The perfectly shaped beak makes these vases suitable to be used as a pitcher too.

Unfortunately, these are currently out of stock, but these are too cute to not to be shared with you. Right?

Update: I just received an email from Amy of Nood, who has been very helpful and gave me this email address - info{AT}nood{DOT}ca - where you can send a request to receive an email notification about restocking the vases. Just make sure you enter "Hoot Vase Availability" in the subject line. 


  1. oh my god. they are gorgeous <3

  2. Oh I want these! Did anyone find a way to sign up for notification on restock?

  3. Wow, would love to have one of those!

  4. I'm embarrassed to say, I didn't know Nood was Canadian. I love these owl vases....I may just have to pop down the the Nood near me. Thanks for the info!

  5. @ Anonymous I read their help pages but didn't find a way to receive email notification on restocking. I'll try to contact them and update here if I find out any info on the vases.

  6. Where can I buy these vases??? I love them
