Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Pollen Arts: Beeswax Candles

I want all of these but I want the owl one the most :)

A team of husband and wife- Peter and Juwels, own a lovely store on Etsy named Pollen Arts. They create these unique and beautiful beeswax candles using antique bottles as molds on the tiny stovetop in their 1975 Winnebago. Sounds unreal?  Read more out their adventurous life and work here.

Oh, I was curious to know how the candles smelled. They say: "When the wax pot melts into a luscious golden brew, our kitchen smells so MmMmmazing that the local bees fly in through the windows and skylights to see what’s cooking. We greet them with offerings of honey dipped spoons and watch them drink with delight : ) It’s magic !!" Sounds magical indeed!