Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Wallpaper: 11 Owls

Adorable owl desktop wallpaper featuring 11 different owls. I adore the skinny owl with funny hair, a sleepy one and a surprised one wrapped in the scarf. Available in 16 different sizes, download the one you want from here.


  1. sweet:) Have a lovely day

    Ps: I am hosting a beautiful GIVEAWAY today! Hope you’ll join in :)

  2. I'm not could be because I just finished making the Tardis in 1:12th scale and at the moment I'm watching old episodes of dr Who...but the owls remind me of the doctor(s) LOL The skinny one could be David Tennant, the one on the right the 11th doctor, Matt Smith and the one with the scarf Tom Baker!!! Not sure who the others are though ;-)

  3. If you are interested in crediting the original artist of that piece, it was first posted by her here:

    The explanation for it is that it depicts each of the Doctors from the program "Doctor Who" as owls -- that's why there are 11 of them, and why each looks the way it does.

    I can't tell whether the Wallpapers site from which you got it stole the piece, or whether the artist herself posted it there for people to use. (The Wallpaper site contains so little information that it's hard to tell.)

  4. I think they're all owls representing each Doctor Who (hence the scarf). Doctor Hoot!

  5. I had no idea that the owls in this piece represent doctors from a program. Thank you guys for the explanation :)

  6. They are the Doctors from Doctor Who in order 1-11 :) I saw this awhile back and am in love with it!!

  7. That's so awesome that they are the Doctors! My husband is a huge fan of Doctor Who. :)

    Check out this link to see the resemblance of each owl

    Great artist!
    Thanks for sharing!

  8. This is sooo cute! Love it, thanks :)

  9. ha! i downloaded it, put it up as a desktop, thought it was cute AND THEN realized it was the eleven doctors. very cute and very nicely done.

  10. its the 11 doctors from Dr. Who!
    like every one else said, all it took was one look at owl number ten the David Tenet owl to tell... the scarf was a second clue.
