Monday, January 17, 2011

Good Night, Owl!

Good-Night, Owl! by Pat Hutchins - first published in 1972 - is another great children's book with fun and colorful illustrations. Every page has images of animals made with intricate patterns created from basic shapes; notice the dominance of lines and dots in the owl picture? Not only this book is great to look at, but it also has a playful story about an owl who is kept awake during the day by all the noise made by the other animals in the tree. It's a perfect bed time story book with a surprise ending that will send the little ones off to sleep laughing. Available here.


  1. This book was our favorite when my children were younger. I think I can recite most of it from memory, but never tired of reading it.

  2. Aww, I always love book with cute illustrations! Thanks for showing it!
