Monday, April 12, 2010

Fabric Wall Decals by Mae

I'm head over heels in love with these wall decals by an Australian designer Mae, that will make any wall in your room or any surface (even your lappy) look gorgeous. These fabric decals can be removed, washed and reused! There are also dress up dolls, cups, vintage cars available in her store.


  1. Those are so pretty!! I think they would look really good in a little girls room! Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment! Your blog is adorable and I will definitely be stopping by again!

  2. Hi!

    Love the fawn wall decal! You have some very inspirational things on your site!

    Thank you for your sweet comment on my blog :)

  3. BTW- I was lucky enough to see an owl in flight last night on my way home... so majestic!

    I am following you...follow me :)

  4. Recently found your blog and wanted to stop and say hi. I love owls, and it's great to see so much owl inspiration in one place! I'll be stopping by again. Also I would love one of those owl decals in my room.

  5. I LOVE wall decals (apt living makes you enjoy easy to remove decorating) but I've never seen them done in fabric before. Super awesome!

  6. so pretty, I love love the floral deer!

  7. Wow, so beautiful, the fawn is so cute, and the birds are just darling. Thanks so much for finding these.

  8. They are just SO pretty! I love your blog, it's so sweet! I love owls, have my small collection at home :)

  9. i LOVE these wall decals! they are soo sweet, colorful and pretty!!

  10. awwe that's too cute.

    i don't have any deco in my room at all... maybe i should start buying some. my room is a tab bland.

    thanks for stopping by!

  11. Aren't they so 'tweet' love them. All those cute little woodland critters too.
    Must go and visit Mae's website for some more treats

  12. those are gorgeous!!!! relaly!!! how neat and creative! i have never seen this before, i loveit!

  13. I love the design above the bed...such a fun, unique thing to do rather than just artwork! Love it!
