Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Pat Albeck

Pat Albeck has been designing textiles for over 5 decades and has launched a brand new range of tea towels inspired by the sixties at Emma Bridgewater. More of her designs from the collection can been seen here or visit her website to see some of her stunning work in the last 50 years.

{Thanks Kim}


  1. have you seen these owl crackers?


  2. THanks for visiting my blog, I am so glad that you did because now I am following yours and LOVE IT!! Now I am off to look at all of your past posts for more owl goodness! Have a wonderful day!

  3. I'm so glad I could introduce you to the 'Lunch IN Paris'! What a great idea for a book, right?

    I love all of the things you have found with owls...I'm passing your blog on to a friend who equally loves them, too!!

  4. thanks for visiting my blog and passing along the link! i love your blog, owls are adorable.

  5. I love these designs - great colours and illustration style. A new textile design favourite!
