Monday, November 2, 2009

Gift Packaging and Greeting Cards

The top two pictures are of Christmas cards, and the bottom two are of owl packaging. It's so hard to find a gift wrapping paper with an owl print. This one is super cute! Isn't it? There is owl print gift tote, mini tote for gift card and tissue for wrapping gifts. These are available at Gallery19.


  1. How sweet!
    They are lovely indeed.

  2. These cards are adorable! Have a lovely merry happy week and love to yoU!

  3. hi! thanks for leaving a great comment on my blog the other day, it has allowed me to find your fabulous blog. i read your bio and love what you are doing in india, giving back with books. i will have to click on that link to read more about it.

    i love your owl theme and after catching up on many of your posts, never realized there was so much out there in owl design. but there is!! so fun!! where in india are you from, i'm taking a class right now that pertains to india and i'm finding it fascinating :)

  4. Thank you guys! Your comments make my day :)

    @ avant garde I sent you an email. Stay in touch!

  5. Aww, these *are* cute! The print + colors are just so fun! (And thanks for stopping by my blog earlier!)
