Monday, November 2, 2009


I shop at Forever21 when I am looking for something stylish which doesn't cost a fortune. I recently bought a set of 5 ethnic bangles for $5.80. No kidding! These owl necklaces and bracelets with owl engraving (which I love!) under $10 each. Do you shop at Forever21? What's your style?


  1. Forever 21 has a hanfull more of owl jewelry as of today, I didn't realize they had such a selection. I am in trouble. Thanks, for such a lovely site. I just recently became quite fond of owls- in the process of decorating a nursery for a baby girl.

  2. I just luv forever21 ... just i got one necklace [$7.99 ] and one owl earring [$5.21 ] & i luv thm thy r beautiful.

  3. Yeah! I luv forever21 so much.. and the necklace is so lovely.. I wish I can get it over here....
